Writing on software design, entrepreneurship, and whatever else is on my mind.

My ramblings on programming, product development, and more, collected in chronological order.

Building Faster, More Scalable WordPress Sites Using the Transients API

The WordPress Transients API is a super useful way to temporarily store cached data. It was introduced in WordPress 2.8 (all the way back in 2009, so it's pretty much an antique or something now), but I've only recently become more aware of it and started using it heavily in production.

How to Recursively Remove .DS_Store

Lately, I've been doing a lot of theme development with plans to place themes on the WordPress.org repo, ThemeForest and other marketplaces. With that comes a lot of use of the Theme-Check plugin.

How to Create a Simple CSS Dropdown Menu

Dropdown menus provide a nice hierarchical view of your menu structure, allowing you to help narrow the visitors focus and find exactly what they're looking for and reducing navigation clutter.

Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon where people aren't able to internalize or accept their accomplishments.

Load Random Images with PHP

Todays snippet is a quick and easy one. While developing a new site for the agency where I work, I decided to display a random set of gifs on the 404 page. There are 7 images and I only wanted to display one per page load.