Writing on software design, entrepreneurship, and whatever else is on my mind.

My ramblings on programming, product development, and more, collected in chronological order.

A Look at Async/Await in ES2017

Writing asynchronous code in JavaScript has traditionally been a pretty messy endeavor. It usually meant writing callbacks on top of callbacks, handling errors multiple levels deep, resulting in the infamous pyramid of doom.

Intro to Testing React Applications with Jest and Enzyme

React testing (and JS testing, in general) is an incredibly broad topic with a lot of nuance. In this post, I primarily want to focus on exploring some of the basic what's and why's of, as well as a few best practices for, testing React applications.

Introducing a Fresh New Look

This past weekend, I finally decided it was time to refresh things around here. Despite the fact that I still felt the old design looked pretty good, I didn't feel that the underlying technology and overall feel were particularly reflective of how I (or, increasingly, anyone) build sites these days.

JavaScript Sorting Algorithms

I had the privilege of attending jsDay last week in Verona, Italy. One of my favorite talks during the two-day event was titled...

WordPress Multisite Architecture with the Theme Features API

Lately I've found myself working with an ever increasing number of WordPress multisite installations, each built with a slightly different approach than the others. As a result, I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to architect these networks to maximize code clarity and maintainability.